4867 Cosmetic Surgery In Canadian Plastic Surgery Residencies: Are We Training Competent Surgeons?

Friday, May 6, 2011: 11:15 AM
Quinton Chivers, MD, Amr Arkoubi, MD, Kenneth Murray, MD and Avinash Islur, MD, Plastic Surgery, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Goals/Purpose: Recent research published by the ASPS concludes a majority of plastic surgeons receive minimal exposure to cosmetic surgery during their residency training and a similar situation is thought to exist in Canada. To better assess cosmetic surgery exposure in plastic surgery residency programs, graduating residents were asked to record their impressions of cosmetic surgery training in each of their respective programs.

Methods/Technique: Graduating residents enrolled in plastic surgery residency programs in Canada were surveyed with a short questionnaire. The survey addressed two broad areas: (1) specifics regarding resident cosmetic surgery training and (2) the confidence and satisfaction associated with this experience.

Results/Complications: A majority of Canadian plastic surgery residency programs currently have a designated cosmetic surgery rotation.  Most training however, comes from staff without a significant cosmetic surgery practice with residents typically performing <20% of the cases.  90% of respondents feel it has become increasingly difficult to see cosmetic surgery cases due to a higher number of them being performed at private surgical centers with 62% believing training could be improved through increased access to cosmetics cases performed at major teaching hospitals. Outside electives performed in cosmetic surgery were felt to be the most beneficial source of learning overall. Many residents describe lower than average confidence in performing several cosmetic surgery procedures upon completion of their residency training. Most feel a need to pursue additional training prior to being able to incorporate cosmetic surgery into their practice, which many are in fact not pursuing.

Conclusion: RCPSC certification in plastic surgery does not necessarily equal proven competency in cosmetic surgery. To maintain the specialties reputation as a leader in the field and ensure its members proficiency in this continually evolving and competitive market, Canadian plastic surgery programs need to ensure their residents receive adequate exposure to cosmetic surgery procedures and technologies.

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