5062 Quality of Life After Breast Reduction Surgery A 10 Year Retrospective Analysis Utilizing the Breast Q Questionnaire: Does Breast Size Matter

Friday, May 6, 2011: 11:30 AM
Marco A. Gonzalez, MD, Plastic Surgery, Long Island Plastic Surgery/Nassau University Medical Center, Garden City, NY, Laurence T. Glickman, MD, Plastic Surgery, Long Island Plastic Surgery Group, Gargen City, NY and Roger L. Simpson, md, MBA, Plastic Surgery, Long Island Plastic Surgical Group/Nassau University Medical Center, Garden City, NY
Goals/Purpose: Patient reported outcome studies are extremely valuable. We hypothesize that breast reduction surgery has a high satisfaction rate, and that BMI, and the amount of breast tissue removed would not alter this outcome.  The purpose of this study was to determine if there is an improvement in QOL in patients undergoing breast reduction, and whether breast volume  influences this outcome.

Methods/Technique: A retrospective chart review was performed on 600 consecutive patients at a single institution from (2000-2010).    Patients were mailed The Breast Q questionnaire to complete.   Demographic, surgical data were collected and entered into a data base.  Descriptive Statistical analysis were conducted using SAS Software  with statistical significance determined at p<0.05.

Results/Complications: A total of 178 surveys were returned ( response rate of 29.6%) Patient data included a mean BMI of 28.3 ± 4.6 (kg/m2), and mean total amount of breast tissue removed of 1220.9 ± 665.4 (grams).  The primary indications for patients having breast surgery were for:  symptomatic macromastia (85%).  The Breast Q questionnaire demonstrated patients were satisfied with their breast surgery. The mean response was 2.8 with a standard deviation of 0.47 (where 1=disagree; 2 = somewhat agree; 3 = definitely agree).   Patient BMI and total amount of breast tissue removed had a statistically significant positive correlation (0.479; P<0.0001).  There was no statistically significant difference between the amount of total breast tissue removed and patient response . (p=0.57).  

Conclusion: The study supports a positive outcome. Over 95% of the patients surveyed were satisfied.  It demonstrates the improvement of the patient’s quality of life regardless of the amount of breast tissue removed.  Furthermore, it suggests that the size and weight of the patient has no impact on this outcome.  As we face new government and insurance restrictions, patient reported outcome studies may have an influence on future third party payer commitments.

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