Three-Year Clinical Trial Results with the Ideal ImplantŪ Saline-Filled Breast Implant

Sunday, April 14, 2013: 10:25 AM
Lars Enevoldsen, MD, Private Practice, Modesto, CA

Three-Year Clinical Trial Results with the IDEAL IMPLANT¨ Saline-filled Breast Implant


There is a need for a saline-filled implant that gives a natural result, since many women are more comfortable having saline in their breast implants than silicone gel. To address the well-known problems of current single-lumen saline implants, a new implant design was developed. It is a double-lumen with a baffle structure in the outer lumen that controls fluid movement to prevent bouncing, supports the upper pole to prevent collapse and the edges to minimize wrinkling.


An FDA clinical trial began February 2009, with 502 women enrolled by February 2010: 399 for primary augmentation and 103 for replacement of existing saline or silicone gel implants. Investigators were 45 ABPS certified plastic surgeons at 35 sites. A total of 472 patients completed 2-year follow-up visits, arate of 94%. It is anticipated that the 3-year follow-up visit rate will also be higher than for that for previous breast implant clinical trials, providing complete clinical data for analysis.


For the 472 patients with 2-year follow-up, patient satisfaction with the outcome was 94.3% for primary and 92.3% for replacement augmentations; surgeon satisfaction was 96.5% for primary and 93.4% for replacement augmentations. Adverse events were tabulated by Kaplan-Meier risk rates of first occurrence: Baker class 3 or 4 capsule contracture - 3.8% for primary, 8.2% for replacement augmentations; moderate to severe wrinkling - 3.8% for primary, 12.0% for replacement augmentations; deflation - 4.8% for primary, 3.3% for replacement augmentations. One deflation was from a surgical needle puncture and one was indeterminate because the implant was damaged after removal. All other deflations were due to early manufacturing defects that were identified and corrected.

The 3-year follow-up data from the clinical trial will be available by April 2013. The "Results" section will be updated with the 3-year data in time for the presentation of this paper.


Two-year data from 472 women indicates this new technology implant has a high rate of patient and surgeon satisfaction, with a low rate of wrinkling and capsule contracture. It seems to offer women an alternative to current single-lumen saline and silicone gel implants (Figures 1 & 2). The 3-year data presentation will clearly define the place for this new technology implant relative to current single-lumen saline-filled implants and the various silicone gel-filled implants.