DUAL GEL Anatomic Shape Breast Augmentation – 254 Consecutive CASES

Friday, April 12, 2013
Janis Gilis, MD, PhD and Ansis Gilis, MD, Clinic of Plastic Surgery, Riga, Latvia

Dual gel anatomic shape implants have been used in our clinic since 2006 as well as other types of breast implants. We have reviewed our results and we would like to share our experience.


We analyzed short and long term results for patients who underwent breast surgery in our clinic from December 2006 to May 2012 with dual gel anatomic shape implants. All surgeries were performed by one doctor.


The total number of patients was 254. Dual gel implants were used for primary breast augmentation in 214 cases (including 48 patients with pseudoptosis), for augmentation mastopexy in 13 cases, for implant exchange in 20 cases and for breast reconstruction in 7 cases.  Implant placement: 95.7% subpectoral, 4.3% subglandular. Patients were satisfied and needed no further interventions in 80.3% of cases. 1.2% complained about unnatural breast appearance in horizontal position.  2.54% of patients had complications that required reoperation: infection – 0.4%, capsular contracture Baker III-IV – 0.4%, bottoming out – 0.4%, rippling – 0.4%, implant rotation – 1.6% (4 from 11 subglandular placed). We have no further data about 44 patients (17.32%).


Breast augmentation with dual gel implants in our clinic has proved to be safe and predictable method, which can be also applied to tubular breast treatment and breast reconstruction and gives the benefit to reach acceptable results for pseudoptotic breasts without mastopexy. We do not recommend subglandular placement for dual gel implants because of the high rotation rate.