We considered essential to focus the attention on the evaluation of those patients who will have upper blepharoplasty procedure done.
As a high index of patients, presents the condition of eyebrow ptosis, this paper seeks to reflect the close relationship between the surgical treatment of ptosis, through the same incision lines of the upper blepharoplasty surgery, and the optimization of integrated process in terms of recovery and obtained results
This modification in the conventional technique will require the limited and conservative remotion of excess skin, during the suspension of the eyebrows procedure, to arrive at the optimization of the results.
Through the same incision lines of the upper blepharoplasty surgery, the suspension of eyebrows procedure will take place, avoiding new scars and achieving significant improvements in the upper third of the face.
The modification to the upper blepharoplasty technique for correction of moderate blepharoptosis. The technique consist in a undermining toward the orbital rim 20 mm around the eye brow , placement of one or two sticks with nylon 5.0 from the subcutaneous fat behind orbital muscle to the periosteal of the orbital rim from 10 to 5 mm higher to lift the tail or body of the brow to a new position. This will depend on sex, age and desires of the patient. Picture 1 A-B-C. Then the upper blepharoplasty is close with a running suture and a pair of safety sutures.
In all the treated cases the correction of the ptosis was obtained, the asymmetry was diminished.
The use of this technique shows an inconspicuous line incision, and no added complications were presented. Patients refer pain on the area sutures during the first 5 weeks. Picture 2-3-4.
By the way, this surgical technique demonstrated a low incidence of recurrence and complications and a high rate of patient’s satisfaction.
In summary brow suspension by an upper blepharoplasty technique provides a better postoperative comfort and improves recovery by avoiding the need of extra scars. This procedure simplifies the brow lift, allows the surgeon to perform in to mild cases of brow ptosis and easy correction of brow asymmetry, by reducing complications.
This approach diminish post and preoperative complications, and by the same time, give the surgeon the precisely control of the brow positioning, obtained the optimization of the results.